Zy Dance Studio | Creative Dance Workshop
Creative dance improvisation workshop led by independent choreographer and performance artist, Nunu Kong
improvisation, dance, dance workshop in Shanghai, creativity, Nunu Kong
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Workshop 2013

10 Mar Creative Dance Workshop with Nunu Kong 创意舞蹈工作坊

‘A Short Walk Without A Companion’

A workshop on creative dance improvisation led by independent choreographer and performance artist, nunu kong.

The word “Improvisation” is the term for immediate behaviour. It’s from the Latin word “eximproviso”, meaning “no preparation”. In life, we make impromptu decisions all the time as we humans must respond spontaneously to a variety of unknown situations around us, even for just a simple dialogue.

However, Improvisation is frequently used as a choreographic tool in dance, for dancers and performers to build new structures or motivations of movements prompted by one’s own intuition and inner feelings. It is also a dynamic skill to stimulate the modes of thinking.

Through comprehensive tasks in this workshop, you will develop and improve your improvisation skills, enriching your body expressions through creative dance.

Introduction of the Host

nunu kong is one of the most exciting creative minds in performing arts. An independent choreographer, producer and performance artist, nunu graduated from a unique contemporary dance programme at the Beijing Dance Academy founded by Yang Meiqi – China’s pioneer of modern dance.

She began her choreographic career with the Shanghai-based experimental performance collective Zuhe Niao, which she co-founded in 2005. Following her award-winning work with Zuhe Niao, she established Brand Nu Dance in 2007, which has become one of China’s most innovative experimental performing arts exchange platforms.

Promoting experimental dance as a new and vital medium in contemporary art, nunu has produced numerous international dance productions, commissions, workshops, and lectures, and now presents Chinese independent performing artists’ work beyond the underground.

nunu is a recipient of the Doen Foundation Young Choreographer Project Development Grant (Netherlands) in 2007 and was twice awarded the Gluck Art Foundation Grant (US) in arts and education in 2011 and 2013. In 2014, she was awarded the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship for six months’ research on performing arts in New York in 2015-2016.

Trumpet Upside Down Dancing in Air-#3

Workshop Details

This two-day workshop is available in both Chinese and English.

Date: 8 & 9 April (Sat & Sun), 14:00-17:00 each day

Venue: Zy Dance Studio, 5/F, No. 2, Lane 113 Changshu Rd, by Changle Rd

Who should be taking this workshop: The workshop is open to all levels and we highly welcome people from various artistic backgrounds

Price: 2 days’ workshop total 6 hours, RMB700

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: Sign up before 18 March + share this article on your WeChat moments to receive a RMB100 discount!

Book now: For bookings and enquiries, please ring 138 1720 4098 or book directly at the Zy Dance Studio office. Spaces are limited.

Tip: Participants should wear comfortable and elastic clothing with a pair of thick socks to attend this workshop.

Terms & Conditions: Payment is required to guarantee your place. No refunds allowed, however transfer to another participant is possible if you inform the organisers in advance.


一场由独立编舞及表演艺术家nunu kong主持的关于如何即兴舞蹈的工作坊。


- 木心


Question mama2主持人语:“即兴”(improvisation)一词是对即时行为的术语,最早来自拉丁词“eximproviso”,意指“没有准备”。 在现实生活中我们时刻都在面对一些无法预先准备的处境,这需要我们对眼前的事物或事件在短时间内进行判断和处理,包括简单的说话行为都需要大量的即兴。在舞蹈中,即兴经常被用作一种特殊的编舞工具,它可以激发舞者/表演者在多种未知环境下使用直觉和内心感受,去实践瞬间性的思维创造力,包括新的结构或符号,以及新的行为动机。然而即兴并非茫无所求,它需要对一些必要技能的理解和掌握,在本次舞蹈工作坊中,你将实践于多样化且有趣的综合练习,使即兴判断成为一种动力来丰富自己的思维模式,挖掘自身的肢体技能,提高表演的修养。




nunu kong (吴艳丹),是一位基于上海的编舞家,独立制作人及表演艺术家。她毕业于北京舞蹈学院由中国现代舞先驱杨美琦女士创办的现代舞编导专业,之后与数位多领域艺术家建立“组合嬲”艺术家联盟进行共同创作实验肢体剧场,继首个合作作品于瑞士Theater Spektakel艺术节成功获奖之后,nunu在2007年创建了自己的”brand nu Dance-不乱扭独立制作” ,作为中国舞蹈界少有的实验表演艺术交流平台之一,她制作并策划了一系列高质量且别具一格地舞蹈专场发布会,工作坊及演讲,并推广本土其它优秀的独立表演艺术家在国际艺术节中的展示交流。nunu独特的艺术表达特征来自于她多类别的实验性创作,她的作品无论从视觉纬度或是从剧作层面,都微妙地显现出与时空和错觉交织玩耍的诗意性,然而观众总能从中嗅到她幽默而倔强地天然气质。nunu是荷兰著名舞团Emio Greca丨PC 于2010年《超越-中国》项目的委托编导,以及瑞士Theater Spektakel艺术节2012年第一届先锋小剧场评委;她两度获得美国Gluck艺术奖金,同时也是ACC(亚洲文化协会)2014年度赴美6个月艺术研究基金的获得者。


[时间] 4月8日周六14:00-17:00,4月9日周日14:00-17:00

[地点]Zy Dance Studio,常熟路113弄2号5楼,靠近长乐路





Question mama