Zy Dance Studio | Our New Studio in the Making 我们的新工作室正在进行中
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29 Jun Our New Studio in the Making 我们的新工作室正在进行中

Zy Dance Studio is almost two and we’re excited to be moving toward our vision of our dream studio. Here’s a short message from the Director about Zy 2.0, which will be unveiled this summer.

“My mission is to offer the best dance experience for our members and students. That has meant bringing together some of the finest teachers in Shanghai. Now, we’re going a step further and creating an inspiring new studio space for our Zy members.

We spent a long time looking for a suitable dance space that offers a convenient location right in the city centre.

We decided to work with Danish architect Peter Eland to design a space that we would love to dance in. Before launching his own practice, Peter worked for Neri & Hu for half a decade designing projects such as Le Meridian hotel in Zhengzhou, and was Creative Director at Wagas Group where he created Baker & Spice and Mi Thai on Anfu Lu, among others.

We especially liked Peter’s Nordic sense of elegant simplicity and his attention to the detail of the user experience. Our brief was for an inviting dance studio filled with good vibes and a touch of style.

Peter’s design for Zy plays with the building’s original industrial design and balances it with uplifting light, texture and elegance. Ninety-nine percent of the facilities are custom-made for Zy to make sure they feel just right – from the barres to the changerooms and even the lighting.

Of course the technical features are equally important to the dance experience – especially for ballet and contemporary dance to avoid injury and achieve the best movements. We’re very thankful to have Shanghai’s leading dance floor expert advise on our professional-grade, sprung-wood floor.

To ensure that we have an ideal balance of strength and bounce we had a special type of wood dance floor imported to Shanghai. It’s topped with the same quality Tarkett as used in professional ballet and dance companies. It sure feels great to leap across the floor!

PS. We also have a garden terrace to chill out on before or after class.

We look forward to welcoming you very soon!”

IMG_2263Zy舞蹈工作室开业将近两年了,令人兴奋的是我们即将搬入我们的梦想工作室。今年夏天Zy 2.0即将揭幕,以下是我们的总监想对大家说的一些话:



我们决定与丹麦建筑师Peter Eland合作创建一个我们都喜爱的舞蹈空间。Peter在开设自己的设计公司之前曾为设在外滩5号的Neri&Hu设计公司工作长达5年,并在Wagas担任创意总监,他设计了坐落在安福路的Baker & Spice和Mi Thai,他设计的较大的项目还包括在郑州的Le Meridien酒店。




为了确保我们的地板在学员跳舞时有理想的平衡和适中的弹性 我们特别定制了进口到上海的舞蹈专业级的实木地板,我们还将铺上被国内舞蹈界公认的最顶级的专业舞蹈地胶,这将能让我们的学员尽情舞动并做出更棒的跳跃动作!


我们期待着这次Zy 2.0的惊艳亮相并很快将欢迎您的到来!